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How to start a Plumbing Apprenticeship in Wisconsin

Learn how to start a plumbing apprenticeship in Wisconsin through Plumbers Local 75. Whether you're experienced or starting new, learn the process for becoming a plumber and passing the State of Wisconsin Plumbing Code licensing test. Building Wisconsin TV host Stuart Keith will meet up with Plumbers Local 75 Business Manager Steve Breitlow [...]

2024-08-31T15:40:05-05:00August 31st, 2024|Home Page, Plumbers Local 75|0 Comments

Building Bridges in Wisconsin through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

We'll start this episode of Building Wisconsin TV in Watertown to check out the replacement of the Main St. bridge that was first built in 1844 as a wood structure. In 1881 an iron made bridge was rebuilt and again in 1931 the bridge was rebuilt and became known as the Cole Memorial [...]

Spec Mix Bricklayer 500 Regional Competition in Fond du Lac Wisconsin

Check out the "Road to Las Vegas" in this episode of Building Wisconsin TV as we visit the Spec Mix Bricklayer 500 Regional Competition in Fond du Lac Wisconsin. We'll start with an introduction from Jim Vick, State Director of the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers. Then catch up with Mike Rolf from Spec [...]

2023 Road Construction Update & High School Pre Apprenticeship

Get a great look back at what was accomplished during Wisconsin's Road Construction season in 2023. We'll begin with host Stuart Keith meeting up with Craig Thompson, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to follow up on a major road construction project near Madison WI along with a review of some of [...]

Road Building and Transportation Infrastructure

Road building and transportation infrastructure are top of the mind in this episode of Building Wisconsin. Host Stuart Keith will start with Wis Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson who'll provide an update on some of the current construction projects going on around the state and explain how the federal dollars from the [...]